Piesa zilei

joi, 16 iulie 2009

Ganduri cu putere

Paul Washer:
- I don't need to be a prophet or the son of a prophet to know what your god is. I only need to watch your life (...) When you have just enough Christianity to make you moral, I know who your God is. If I could look into your mind and see what occupies your mind, I will know what your god is.
- Everything you have, even if you are here today and you are the vilest, most wicked, God-hating man on the face of the planet, if there is any good whatsoever in your life, it comes from the very One you hate!
- All the things that mean so much to you only tell everyone one thing: "Oh, you priests who have been called to know Him, how you despise His Name!"
- He is everything or He is nothing (...) They have so many idols in their life that the Lord is not even first, or second, or third, or fourth. It is not giving unto the Lord everything.
- What would you have me to do, oh Lord? Teach me your ways, oh Lord! Who do I have in heaven but Thee, who do I have on earth but Thee? What am I but a speck of dust breathing holy breath if indeed you have converted me?
- So difficult is our salvation that only God can make it possible. Do you think He is a flu shot?
- The evidence that you repented under salvation a long time ago is that you are still repenting today and growing in repentance. The evidence that you truly believed under salvation a long time ago is that you're still believing today and even more.
- Deal with the fact that you are being confronted with a gospel that demands everything from you, that you are being confronted with who God is. He doesn't share! He takes everything! Let Him take everything: He is worthy!
- It is better to be a secularist, it is better to be an atheist, to claim nothing from God than to claim God and enter into that claim half-heartedly.
- Most people are alive only because air is free. They do nothing with their lives. And you say: "Well, I've done much!" But the much you have done, how much of it is eternal, how much of it will burn up in the fire?
- What does it cost you to be a Christian?
- You might say: "I've never been able to offer out of a pure heart, I've always battled with sin, I've always struggled. I want to be more. Even this morning when I was worshipping, I was struggling with thoughts that were deviant, that were not about God, and it was so difficult to worship. Do you mean God does not receive anything from me?" From you He receives much because by your own word you acknowledge: 'Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.' With those types of words and with the breaking of your heart you're showing that you truly belong to Him, that you want to be more for Him, but those of you who sat out there, cold as a stone and had no problem with this, you're the ones who should be afraid!
-Oh, why are we here? Why do we breathe? Why does that heart of ours beat if not for Him and the advancement of His Kingdom?

3 comentarii:

BeznaWarrior spunea...

Nu-l cunosc pe distinsul domn Paul da', la ultimele intrebari retorice pe care si le-a pus, eu n-as da raspunsurile lui...Nu de alta da' se intelege ca D-zeu ne-a creat ca sa fim un fel de pets or nu cred ca asta a fost motivatia Lui.

Larisa Gligor spunea...

Pai raspunsul il gasesti mai sus, tot in ce a spus distinsul domn Paul:
- I only need to watch your life (...) When you have just enough Christianity to make you moral, I know who your God is. If I could look into your mind and see what occupies your mind, I will know what your god is.
- He is everything or He is nothing (...) They have so many idols in their life that the Lord is not even first, or second, or third, or fourth.

Ideea e ca ori esti cu El, ori nu. Si daca nu esti cu El, oricum inima ta bate pentru alte lucruri pentru care vei deveni "pet". Dupa cum stiu, banii-s plastice pentru tine :) Super! Dar uita-te un pic in jur si o sa vezi ca daca nu sunt cu inima la Dumnezeu, oamenii respira pentru altele care nu au valoare decat pentru scurta vreme. Iar eu personal nu m-as numi pet, dar vreau sa dau totul pentru El pentru ca merita si daca Ii dau Lui capata valoare. Vezi spre finalul articolului trecut citatul lui Luther.

Un ultim comentariu: Nu ne considera animale de companie si nu ne obliga sa traim cu El, nici nu se distreaza pe seama noastra din motive de plictiseala. E alegerea noastra daca vrem cu El sau nu.

BeznaWarrior spunea...

Cuvantul cheie e "alegerea". Liberul arbitru mi se pare cea mai de pret chestie primita de la divinitate.Acu' daca stau sa ma gandesc, si Lucifer a facut uz de liberul sau arbitru.D-zeu asteapta sa facem niste alegeri mai bune decat ingerul lui preferat.